Sunday, December 11, 2011

IIMC Entrance 2012 (General Information)

Indian Institute of Mass Communication is a prominent institute in the country offering various courses in Journalism of for the right talents. The institute is well known for its educational and practical approaches in the mass communication programs. The institute is recognized under the ministry of Information and Broadcasting, GoI. The institute conduct common entrance exam for the post graduate diploma programs in
  • Journalism (English)
  • Journalism (Hindi)
  • Advertising and Public Relations
  • Radio & TV Journalism
The IIMC Entrance Exam is one of the most desiring competitive examinations for the Mass communication aspirants. Hence it is a national level entrance examination a large number of candidates are taking this exam for to pursue their career in the mass communication field.

Structure of IIMC Entrance Examination
The IIMC question paper includes the objective type as well as the descriptive mode of questions. The examination will be of two hours and the major areas of the paper constitute of General Knowledge, Aptitude and English etc. There will be questions to answer in 10 marks and the paper test the candidate’s language skills, Reading and comprehension abilities. The exam is a bilingual one, in Hindi and English. The eligible candidates will call for the next round of admission process, Group discussion followed by the Personal interview.

General Syllabus IIMC Entrance Examination
  • Journalism Courses
  • General Awareness
  • Awareness of Public Debates on Matters (Polity and Economy)
  • Influencing Power Equations in the World and Their Impact on India
  • International Developments
  • Social History
  • Understanding of Social Dynamics
  • Aptitude & mental make-up
  • Language capability
  • Analytical & comprehension skills
  • Advertising & Public Relations
  • Analytical & Comprehension skills
  • Aptitude & mental make-up
  • Brand awareness & recall
  • General awareness
  • Language capability
  • Quantification skills
Eligibility Criteria for IIMC Entrance Exam
The aspirants of mass communication should pass the bachelors course in any stream under the recognized university can apply for the test. The final year student is also eligible for taking the exam. The candidates should be Indian national and the minimum age limit is 21 years. The candidates with suitable valid work experience in the media related field will get an advantage during the selection process. The eligible category is avail to the needed consideration in the admission programs. The student should contact with the exam body for the detailed information about the category wise requirements
How to Apply?
Applicants are needed to apply online by means of the official website - Upon registration, students shall need to take a copy of this registration form and dispatch it together with a draft of the amount concerned. They can also purchase the form from the institute with the cash payment or can get the form by sending a request letter to the exam body with the DD of set amount. All other documents must also be included with this. Prior to the filling of the form, aspirants are recommended to read through the instructions very carefully. In case any of the instructions mentioned are non followed, candidates shall be rejected. Always keep a copy for the original filled form for the further referrals.
How to fill the Form?
Students need to be aware of a few things when they fill their admission form. They are:
  • They must read the prospectus carefully and understand the requirements.
  • The form must be filled correctly with candidate’s handwriting only
  • Only use the blank ball point pen.
  • All pertinent columns must be filled without fail
  • The admission form is to be filled in Capital Letters Only
  • The form must be not damaged or have any sort of problems
  • The form ought to be dispatched to the address concerned with haste.
Important Dates
  • Commencement of sale of application forms: First week of March, 2012
  • Last date of submitting completed application forms: Mid week of April, 2012
  • Date of Entrance Examination: Last week of May, 2012
  • Interview Dates: Last week of June, 2012
List of IIMC Entrance Examination centers
  • Bangalore
  • Bhubaneswar
  • Guwahati
  • Kolkata
  • Lucknow
  • Mumbai
  • New Delhi
  • Patna
Contact Address for IIMC Entrance Examination
  • Address: Indian Institute of Mass Communication, JNU New Campus, Aruna Asif Ali Road, New Delhi – 110067
  • Phone No. – 26742920/60
  • Fax – 11-26742462
  • Website:
Colleges Accepting IIMC Entrance Exam Score
  • Indian Institute of Mass Communication, Delhi
  • Indian Institute of Mass Communication, Orissa
Reference Books for IIMC Entrance Examination
  • Arihant Mass Communication Journalism Entrance Examination by D. Mittal
  • How to Become a Good Journalist by Raza Elahi
  • Media Planning: A Practical Guide
  • Media/Impact: An Introduction to Mass Media
Coaching Centers for IIMC Entrance Examination
  • Media Mentor
28/11, Jia Sarai, Near IIT, Hauzkhas, New Delhi 110016
Previous year Papers of Similar exams

You can search on net and find many more site

Study Plan IIMC Entrance Exam
Students will primarily need to get a good idea about the exam they are about to appear. They can get a better idea about the examination by referring question papers of the previous years. Besides this they can also purchase these from all leading book stores. One other thing they can do is to enroll themselves with some good coaching centers. When appearing for the Mass Communication examination, it will be necessary for students to have a good hold over English. Attending spoken English classes will also be very much beneficial for aspirants.
Aspirants can also get help from their teachers. They will be the best source of information as well as help. Students can also approach their friends as to clear doubts. Reading Newspapers and national journals will also helpful for the students for preparing for the examinations. The news channels are also helpful resources for the students for scoring well in the examination.

How and Where To Get the Results?
The result will be available in the IIMC website, by entering the roll number of the examination. The eligible candidates of the return test will informed by their personal mail id for the further rounds.
Score Validity

The score validity period is one year and the applicant can use the score only for the present academic admission purpose.

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Thursday, December 8, 2011

How to Prepare for UGC NET in Journalism

How to crack UGC NET exam in Mass Communication and Journalism

Cracking UGC
NET exam is not a easy thing. It is considered as one of the toughest competitive exam. However, if you know exactly how to prepare for UGC NET exam of Mass communication  And Journalism you can bell the cat for sure. For success in UGC NET, it  require lots of hard work and practice with proper guidance and some tricky techniques. A Person  can prepare on your own for UGC NET, but it is better if you take some sort of UGC NET coaching or guidance. There are lots of good UGC NET coaching centers across the country but the subject materials are less in coaching. The benefit of getting yourself enrolled in a Media Mentor coaching class is that you will be under some sort of compulsory practice and will stay in touch with like minded students looking forward to crack UGC NET exam.

How to study for UGC NET exam

* To begin with  UGC NET preparation, please go through the syllabus thoroughly. For subjects like Mass Communication and journalism that only have a vague outline provided with, the first thing need to do is to go through the  post-graduate syllabus quite thoroughly. Mark that sections which offer longer questions more often.
* Concentrate on the Paper II. For literature subjects, focus on history of literature.
* Practice has no alternative. The more you go through mock test.
* A common mistake students do is to neglect Paper Ist. Remember if you cannot clear Paper Ist, the latter papers will not be evaluated at all. Practice lots and lots of Aptitude Test MCQ everyday so that you can answer the questions really  fast. Set a time limit well short of the given time (75 minutes) for yourself and check how fast you can attempt all the 60 questions.
* Practice Paper III writings at home. Many people think that since the answers are smaller with word limits, the total examination will not be lengthy as it had been the case in the post-graduation in most cases. Wrong. There are lots of questions and for some, one really need to meditate over with time.  
* Proper introductions and use of keywords in longer questions is the key. For shorter answers, one  really need to use technical terms. Do not try to define those terms and teach the examiner and thereby make the answer surpass the word limits.

Media Mentor suggestions, tips & tricks Apart:
 from the hard work and practice that is a part and parcel of success in anything in life, you also require to be a smart. Here are some tips and tricks for UGC NET exam that you might try out cleverly, but don't overdo them!
·        Instead of preparing multiple answers for similar topics prepare a bigger answer, but have multiple introductions ready at your disposal. If you know the subject well, you can successfully employ this plug and play technique!
·        Get some extra introductions ready. If you do not see the questions you have prepared for, do not panic. Mould those general introductions to cater to your need but be sure to make them to the point and not a vague, general one.

Media Mentor  suggestions :
UGC NET is not the kind of exam where you can just mug up your brain by putting one extra piece of information or two just before the exams. If you have studied hard right through the preparation period, stay a little relaxed when the exam reaches on your the shoulder. On the previous day of the examination, do not try to overburden your brain. Just stay relaxed. Get a good night's sleep before the exam. And last but not the least, reach your examination  centre early so that you do not panic or get tensed about reaching the hall on time. Best of luck! 


Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Model Questions

17th SAARC: The 17th SAARC (South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation) Summit (the heads of states) held in Hithadhoo, Addu, Maldives on 10 November and 11 November 2011. A 20-point Addu Declaration was adopted on 11 November 2011 to forge effective cooperation among the member states in a host of areas including economy, connectivity, climate change and food security.
The theme of the 17th SAARC Summit was ‘Building Bridges’. The Summit recognized the importance of bridging differences, creating better understanding and promoting amity and mutually beneficial and comprehensive cooperation in order to promote effective linkages and connectivity for greater movement of people, enhanced investment and trade in the SAARC members region.

Leadership academy: American Express launched its leadership academy in India as part of its corporate social responsibility. It will help develop emerging leaders for the not-for-profit sector. The academy at present is valuable only in the USA, Britain and Japan.

Ug99: It is a race of black stem rust and it is virulent to the majority of wheat crops.
Wheat crops in India is facing threat from a virulent strain of stem rust called UG99. The scientists asked the farmers to sow Ug99 resistant wheat varieties as a precautionary measure. The US-based Borlaug Global Rust Initiative (BGRI) works on a global campaign for combating Ug99. The scientists at Indian Agricultural Research Institute (IARI) recently developed several varieties of wheat crops that are immune to Ug99. It is important to note that Wheat and Rice are the two crops that majorly fulfill the food demand in India.
Ug99 was first discovered in Uganda in 1999.The fungus is incredibly deadly and at present there is no complete cure for it. The strain was named after the country where it was identified (Uganda) and the year of its discovery (1999).

Otto Perez Molina : Retired general and former intelligence director Otto Perez Molina of the Conservative Patriotic Party of Guatemala won the presidential election on 6 November 2011 by defeating tycoon-turned-political populist Manuel Baldizon of the Democratic Freedom Revival party. Pérez Molina, is the first former military leader elected president in Guatemala in the 25 years after the end of brutal military rule. Otto Perez Molina  succeded Álvaro Colom as Guatemala’s President.


 साइरस मिस्त्री : शापूरजी पलोनजी ग्रुप के एमडी साइरस मिस्त्री को रतन टाटा का उत्तराधिकारी चुना गया है। उन्हें टाटा संस का डिप्टी चेयरमैन बनाया गया है। सिलेक्शन कमिटी ने एकराय से उनके नाम का प्रस्ताव किया था। साइरस दिसंबर 2012 में रतन टाटा की जगह ग्रुप की कमान संभालेंगे। इस दौरान वह रतन टाटा के साथ काम करेंगे। 42 साल के साइरस टाटा संस बोर्ड के सबसे युवा मेंबर हैं। 

डैम 999:  हॉलीवुड फिल्म डैम 999 के लगातार हो रहे विरोध के बाद तमिलनाडु सरकार ने नवंबर 2011 में  को फिल्म पर प्रतिबंध लगा दिया था। फिल्म मल्लीपेरियार बांध पर आधारित है। माना जा रहा है कि इस फिल्म में इस राजनीतिक-कानूनी मामले पर तमिलनाडु सरकार के पक्ष को गलत दिखाया गया है।
तमिलनाडु की मुख्यमंत्री जयललिता ने प्रधानमंत्री मनमोहन सिंह से मामले में हस्तक्षेप करने का आग्रह करते हुए कहा है कि वो केरल सरकार को नया बांध न बनाने की सलाह दें। जयललिता ने यह भी कहा है कि मौजूदा बांध सही काम कर रहा है और पूरा मामा इस  समय सुप्रीम कोर्ट में चल रहा है और एक समिति भी इसकी जांच कर रही है। जयललिता ने पत्र में यह भी कहा है कि नए बांध से केरल की जनता में डर और आक्रोश पैदा होगा और यह पूरा मामला राजनीतिक फायदा लेने  के लिए उठाया जा रहा है।
वहीं राजनीतिक दवाब के आगे झुकते हुए जयललिता ने विवादित फिल्म डैम 999 के तमिलनाडु में रिलीज होने पर पाबंदी लगा दी थी। सरकार की ओर से कहा गया कि तमिलनाडु सरकार ने फैसला लिया कि फिल्म डैम 999, जो कि लोगों में मल्लीपेरियार बांध को लेकर डर पैदा कर रही हैपर तुरंत प्रभाव से पाबंदी लगा दी जाए। गौरतलब है कि तमिलनाडु की कई राजनीतिक पार्टियों, जिनमें विपक्षी दल डीएमके भी शामिल हैं ने फिल्म को प्रतिबंधित करने की मांग की थी। फिल्म विश्वभर में 25 नवंबर को रिलीज हुई ।
निर्देशक सोहन रॉय के निर्देशन में बनी डैम999 की आधिकारिक वेबसाइट के अनुसार फ़िल्म एक भ्रष्ट मेयर के बारे में है जो राजनीतिक फ़ायदे और निजी गौरव के लिए एक बांध बनवाता है जिससे लाखों लोगों की ज़िंदगी को ख़तरा है. वेबसाइट पर ये भी लिखा है कि फ़िल्म 1975 के चीन के बानकियाओ बांध आपदा को समर्पित है जिसमें ढाई लाख लोगों की जान गई थी. मुल्लापेरियार बांध केरल के थेक्काडी ज़िले में स्थित है. 1895 में बना यह बांध तमिलनाडु के नियंत्रण में है और उसके दक्षिणी ज़िलों के किसानों की सिंचाई ज़रूरतों को पूरा करता है. तमिलनाडु बांध की ऊंचाई बढ़ाना चाहता है जबकि केरल सुरक्षा कारणों का हवाला देकर इस कदम का विरोध और एक नए बांध की वकालत करता रहा है.

 इंदिरा गोस्वामी:  असमिया साहित्य के लिए पर्याय बन चुकी इंदिरा गोस्वामी का 29 नवंबर, 2011 को निधन हो गया. इंदिरा गोस्वामी को इसी साल फरवरी माह में मस्तिष्काघात हुआ था. इंदिरा गोस्वामी साहित्य की दुनिया में मामोनी रायसन गोस्वामी के नाम से लिखती थीं. 14 नवंबर, 1942 को गुवाहाटी में जन्मी इंदिरा ब्राह्मण परिवार से थीं. असम में पली-बढ़ी इंदिरा गोस्वामी का पहला कहानी संग्रह साल 1962 में चिनाकी मोरोम नाम से प्रकाशित हुआ जब वह छात्रा थीं.
रामायण काल का गहन अध्ययन करने वाली गोस्वामी को असमी साहित्य में योगदान के लिए वर्ष 2000 में ज्ञानपीठ पुरस्कार मिला था. उन्होंने दाताल हाथी उवे खोवा’, ‘नीलकंठ ब्रजऔर आधा लिखा दस्तावेजसहित पुरस्कार जीतने वाली अनेक किताबें लिखीं. गोस्वामी ने प्रतिबंधित यूनाइटेड लिबरेशन फ्रंट ऑफ असम (उल्फा) और केंद्र सरकार के बीच शांति वार्ता में अहम भूमिका भी निभाई थी लेकिन साल 2005 में उन्होंने खुद को इससे अलग कर लिया था.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

            How to prepare for Entrance Exams  

* Read Newspapers (National, International, social and economic news).

* Read any Political News magazine which encompass social, economical and         

   Cultural  stories.  (India today/ Outlook/ frontline).

* Watch TV News Channel (DD News, NDTV, LSTV, RSTV etc).

* Regular practice of writing is must.

* Person, Place, Events of national-international news can be noted down.

* News related to Elections, Budget, and big events must be read or watched on tv.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Coaching for UGC NET Journalism and Mass Communication

Coaching for UGC NET Journalism and Mass Communication

Media Mentor is a pioneer institute in area of mass communication is starting its UGC NET (Journalism) batch from January 2012. We will cover the whole syllabus within two months. The faculties are Ex IIMC Professors and senior journalists. We have developed a scientific way of teaching and getting result with a shortest spam of time.

·       We are providing class room coaching by imminent personalities   related to teaching institutions and media houses.

·       We are having weekly test series to evaluate the knowledge based and preparation for the examination.

·       We are having comprehensive materials.

                      Main emphasis on
                    * Regular test series
                          * Personal Interaction
                          * Course Material
                          * Class room coaching

                       Fee Structure :
              Rs 20,000 for
          Paper 1st,  2nd  and 3rd paper. 
                    At Media Mentor a friendly environment not only for passing the examination but also conducive to develop to personality which is exactly suitable for mass-communication.

Starting date – November 2011
Address – 28 A/11, Jia Sarai, (Dias Premises), New Delhi – 110016.

    Phone -  09013500130
    e-mail –

Previous Year Papers for UGC NET Journalism and Mass Com

December 2010 II & III .pdf FileDownload.pdf FileDownload
December 2009 II & III .pdf FileDownload.pdf FileDownload
June 2010 paper II & III .pdf FileDownload.pdf FileDownload
Paper II
Paper III
Dec. 08
Jun. 08
Dec. 07
Jun. 07
Dec. 06
Jun. 06
Dec. 05
Jun. 05
Dec. 04