Sunday, May 13, 2012

60 years of Parliament – 13th May 2012

Dr. Charles Dias
Today we celebrate the 60th Anniversary of Lok Sabha.  This is no doubt a proud movement for all of us, that the democracy in our country sustained even amidst the complex social conditions, after the onslaught of all kinds of adversities caused by  multi-lingual, multi-religious,  multi-cultural and multi-racial groups.

The Lok Sabha was duly constituted for the first time on 17 April 1952 after the first General Elections held from 25 October 1951 to 21 February  1952.  The first Session of Parliament was held on 13th May 1952.

The Republic of India  with a Constitution claims a SOVEREIGN, SOCIALIST, SECULAR DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC and secure its citizens, JUSTICE, LIBERTY, EQUALITY and assuring FRATRERNITY.

Undoubtedly,  Parliament is the institution that can claim the maximum credit for creating conditions for democracy to flourish in the country. It is this vibrant institution that brought changes in the country  by enacting laws in a broader social perspective.

How far the Parliament could bring changes  to its citizens has to be evaluated by the progress the country has achieved during the past sixty years. From  a country with 30 crores population during 1950 , to the present 120 cores populated country,  India  has travelled a long way. The living conditions of our people has definitely improved.  The revolutionary laws from Bank Nationalisation to Right To Information , the Five year Plans and the Right for Free and Compulsory Education, the nation has passed many milestones.

But, the improvement of a large section of people  is still a challenge to the nation.  The literacy rate has to be increased in many States; providing drinking water and healthy sanitation facilities,  food  and health care  are areas of vital concern.

Political stability is a big question for the last more than twenty years.   The So called concept of a healthy bi-party system is still a big question in our country.  From 4 or 5 main political parties in 1950 , it is now more than 40 parties that have come forward to serve the people.  This has created Indian political system more complex, which according to me shows the attitude of our social groups.  Whether this multiplicity of parities will help Indian democracy is a big question.  The creation of political instability because of pressure groups has already created unhealthy trends in our political system.

The frequent disruptions in Parliament for every odd reason has caused delay in law making, made hindrance to healthy debate, and even  caused passing of important bills without discussion.  The disruption of question hour take away the rights of Members  and denied opportunities for people to redress the grievances through the forum of Parliament.  While, our Parliamentary system provide opportunities for raising any kind of matter through various clauses stipulated in the rules, disrupting the proceedings  is defying the democratic system.

The time lapsed by way of disruptions , cause disturbance to time allocated for debates and also cannot complete the listed business. This trend  of disrupting the Parliament  has made the Parliamentarians belittle among the common people.  On the occasion of 60th Anniversary , the Members have to  think seriously about this aspect and even though there is a Committee on Ethics, this problem has to be reviewed by appointing a new committee  and a fresh outlook has to be created.

On this historic occasion , I salute the generous framers  of our Sacred Constitution and founding fathers of  our Parliament and join my colleagues in celebrating the 60thAnniversary.
                                            The writer is a Member of Parliament  of India.
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